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On the Performance of Bandwidth Estimation Tools.

, , and . Systems Communications, page 287-292. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)

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Discovering Topologies at Router Level., , and . IPOM, volume 3751 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 118-129. Springer, (2005)Measuring Quality of Service Parameters over Heterogeneous IP Networks., , , and . ICN (2), volume 3421 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 718-727. Springer, (2005)Detecting Third-Party Addresses in Traceroute Traces with IP Timestamp Option., , and . PAM, volume 7799 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 21-30. Springer, (2013)A First Look at Class Incremental Learning in Deep Learning Mobile Traffic Classification., , , , , , and . TMA, IFIP, (2021)Many or Few Samples?: Comparing Transfer, Contrastive and Meta-Learning in Encrypted Traffic Classification., , , , and . TMA, page 1-10. IEEE, (2023)High Performance Internet Traffic Generators., , , and . J. Supercomput., 35 (1): 5-26 (2006)Characterization and analysis of cloud-to-user latency: The case of Azure and AWS., , , , , and . Comput. Networks, (2021)Hic Sunt Proxies: Unveiling Proxy Phenomena in Mobile Networks., , , and . TMA, page 227-232. IEEE, (2019)New generation satellite broadband Internet services: Should ADSL and 3G worry?, and . INFOCOM, page 3279-3284. IEEE, (2013)Wi-CR: Human Action Counting and Recognition with Wi-Fi Signals., , , , , and . ICCCS, page 1-8. IEEE, (2019)