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An Instrument to Measure Student Attitudes Toward and Perceptions of MIS: Exploring the Success of Efforts to Change Perceptions of the Field Across Time and Gender.. AMCIS, page 45. Association for Information Systems, (2010)Are Student Self-Assessments a Valid Proxy for Direct Assessments in Information Systems Programs?, , , and . AMCIS, page 106. Association for Information Systems, (2010)The problems of rapid information technology change., , and . SIGCPR, page 204-209. ACM, (1997)"In times of stress, be bold and valiant": a preliminary exploration of the psychosocial and physiological measures of stress and suggestions for future MIS research., , , and . CPR, page 14-19. ACM, (2011)The Slippery Slope of MIS Academia: A Discussion of the Strive for Relevance in our Discipline., and . AMCIS, page 115. Association for Information Systems, (2006)Coping with rapid change in information technology., and . SIGCPR, page 37-44. ACM, (1998)The emerging it group and rapid IT change., and . SIGCPR, page 23-32. ACM, (2000)The Future Job Market for Information System Graduates., and . AMCIS, page 353. Association for Information Systems, (2004)Driving Relevance into the Introductory Information Systems Course., and . AMCIS, Association for Information Systems, (2018)A design of an empirical study of the applicability of the technology acceptance model to outsourcing decisions., and . SIGCPR, page 52-57. ACM, (2002)