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Self-organized percolation, , и . PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 56 (3, A): R2379-R2382 (1997)Mechanical interactions between collagen and proteoglycans: implications for the stability of lung tissue, , , , , , , , , и . JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 98 (2): 672-679 (2005)Life-support system benefits from noise, , , , , , , , и . NATURE, 393 (6681): 127-128 (1998)Scaling behavior in crackle sound during lung inflation, , , , , , , , , и . PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 60 (4, B): 4659-4663 (1999)Self-organization in growth of branched polymers, , , и . PHYSICA A, 238 (1-4): 163-171 (1997)Asymmetric flow in symmetric branched structures, , , , , , , и . PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 81 (4): 926-929 (1998)Effects of interfacial charges on semiconductor films, , , и . PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 57 (19): 12275-12280 (1998)ULTRAFAST RELAXATION OF HOT MINORITY-CARRIERS IN P-GAAS, , , и . JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 74 (3): 2122-2124 (1993)HIGH-FIELD TRANSPORT TRANSIENT OF MINORITY-CARRIERS IN P-GAAS, , , , и . APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 59 (5): 558-560 (1991)