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Using group behaviors to detect Hofstede cultural dimensions., , , и . ICIP, стр. 2936-2940. IEEE, (2016)A Model for Generating and Animating Groups of Virtual Agents., , и . IVA, том 2792 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 164-169. Springer, (2003)Crowd modelling in collaborative virtual environments., , , и . VRST, стр. 115-123. ACM, (1998)Gender Representation in Brazilian Computer Science Conferences., , и . CoRR, (2022)Ontology-based crowd simulation for normal life situations., , и . Computer Graphics International, стр. 221-226. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Simulation of large crowds in emergency situations including gaseous phenomena., и . Computer Graphics International, стр. 206-212. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Real-Time Procedural Generation of Personalized Facade and Interior Appearances Based on Semantics., , , , и . SBGames, стр. 89-98. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Simulating Rescue of Agents in Crowds During Emergency Situations., , и . SBGames, стр. 183-190. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Generation of Cartoon 2D Cracks Based on Leaf Venation Patterns., , , , и . SBGames, стр. 165-170. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)An authoring tool to provide group and crowd animation using Natural Language scripts., , , , и . SBGames, стр. 153-161. IEEE, (2021)