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Mobility-Aided Routing in Multi-Hop Heterogeneous Networks with Group Mobility., , , , и . GLOBECOM, стр. 4915-4919. IEEE, (2007)Modeling the underwater acoustic channel in ns2., и . VALUETOOLS, стр. 18. ICST/ACM, (2007)Eco-friendly Power Cost Minimization for Geo-distributed Data Centers Considering Workload Scheduling., , , , и . CoRR, (2018)CRABSS: CalRAdio-Based advanced Spectrum Scanner for cognitive networks., , , и . IWCMC, стр. 183-188. ACM, (2010)DSMA: an access method for MIMO ad hoc networks based on distributed scheduling., , и . IWCMC, стр. 443-448. ACM, (2006)World ocean simulation system (WOSS): a simulation tool for underwater networks with realistic propagation modeling., , и . WUWNet, стр. 4. ACM, (2009)On the Design of Energy-efficient Routing Protocols in Underwater Networks., и . SECON, стр. 80-90. IEEE, (2007)Energy efficient unicast routing protocols over 802.11b., , , и . GLOBECOM, стр. 5. IEEE, (2005)Modeling and Generation of Space-Time Correlated Signals for Sensor Network Fields., , , и . GLOBECOM, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2011)A game-theoretic analysis of energy-depleting jamming attacks., , , , и . ICNC, стр. 100-104. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)