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The effect of gamification on software architecture knowledge management: a student experiment and focus group study.

, and . SAC, page 1731-1740. ACM, (2019)

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A recommender system for software architecture decision making., and . ECSA (Companion), page 22-25. ACM, (2019)Integrated Software Architecture Management and Validation., and . ICSEA, page 427-436. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Using Decision Models for Documenting Microservice Architectures: A Student Experiment and Focus Group Study., , and . SOSE, IEEE, (2019)Supporting Variability Management in Architecture Design and Implementation., and . HICSS, page 4995-5004. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Automatic Tracing of Decisions to Architecture and Implementation., and . WICSA, page 46-55. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Decision guidance models for microservices: service discovery and fault tolerance., , and . ECBS, page 4:1-4:10. ACM, (2017)Tool Support for Component-Based Software Architectures., and . APSEC, page 127-134. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Dynamic Analysis of Distributed Object-Oriented Applications., and . HICSS (7), page 386-394. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)An Environment for Cooperative Software Development Realization and Implications., and . HICSS (1), page 27-37. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)Decision Models for Microservices: Design Areas, Stakeholders, Use Cases, and Requirements., , and . ECSA, volume 10475 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 155-170. Springer, (2017)