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Detection of Psychomotor Agitation Pattern from Motion Sensor Data in a Living Environment of a Patient with Dementia., , и . MIE, том 270 из Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, стр. 746-750. IOS Press, (2020)On Incentives for Open Access Publishing: A Survey at IMIA's Annual General Assembly During HEC2016., , , , и . MedInfo, том 245 из Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, стр. 901-904. IOS Press, (2017)Using the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) in a Regional Electronic Patient Record for Patients with Malignant Diseases., , , , , , , , и . MedInfo, том 84 из Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, стр. 698-702. IOS Press, (2001)A Nomenclature for the Analysis of Continuous Sensor and Other Data in the Context of Health-Enabling Technologies., , и . MIE, том 169 из Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, стр. 460-464. IOS Press, (2011)Identification of Influencing Factors Regarding the Decision for or Against an Open Access Publication of Scientists of Medical Informatics: Description and First Results of Group Discussions and Interviews., , , , и . MedInfo, том 264 из Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, стр. 1248-1252. IOS Press, (2019)A Collaboration Tool Based on SNOCAP-HET., , , , , , и . J. Medical Syst., 38 (1): 9996 (2014)Zur Problematik der Integration von Expertensystemen in Krankenhausinformationssysteme.. GI Jahrestagung (2), том 127 из Informatik-Fachberichte, стр. 565-579. Springer, (1986)My Home Is My Hospital on Recent Research on Health-Enabling Technologies.. ICIMTH, том 226 из Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, стр. 3-8. IOS Press, (2016)Accompanying Depression with FINE - A Smartphone-Based Approach., , , и . MIE, том 228 из Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, стр. 195-199. IOS Press, (2016)Automatic self-calibration of body worn triaxial-accelerometers for application in healthcare., , , и . PervasiveHealth, стр. 177-180. IEEE, (2008)