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On stochastic complex beam-beam interaction models with Gaussian colored noise, , and . Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 384 (2): 259--272 (Oct 15, 2007)Beam-beam interaction models under narrow-band random excitation, , , and . Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 346 (3-4): 372--386 (Feb 15, 2005)On a complex Duffing system with random excitation, , and . Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 35 (1): 126--132 (January 2008)Biometric cryptographic key generation based on city block distance., , , and . WACV, page 1-5. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Combine crossing matching scores with conventional matching scores for bimodal biometrics and face and palmprint recognition experiments., , and . Neurocomputing, 74 (18): 3946-3952 (2011)High-Performance SAR Image Matching Using Improved SIFT Framework Based on Rolling Guidance Filter and ROEWA-Powered Feature., , , , and . IEEE J Sel. Topics in Appl. Earth Observ. and Remote Sensing, 12 (3): 920-933 (2019)Disguised face detection and recognition under the complex background., , , , , and . CIBIM, page 87-93. IEEE, (2014)Multilinear Sparse Principal Component Analysis., , , , and . IEEE Trans. Neural Networks Learn. Syst., 25 (10): 1942-1950 (2014)Named Entity Recognition for Chinese Social Media with Domain Adversarial Training and Language Modeling., , and . ICANN (2), volume 11728 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 687-699. Springer, (2019)Research on Wireless Networks for Intra-spacecraft., , , , , and . WISATS (1), volume 280 of Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, page 365-370. Springer, (2019)