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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

P2P Network for very large virtual environment., , und . VRST, Seite 269-276. ACM, (2006)Efficient Compression of Visibility Sets., , und . ISVC, Volume 3804 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 243-252. Springer, (2005)Monte-Carlo Integration Applied to an Illumination Model., , , und . Eurographics, North-Holland / Eurographics Association, (1988)Real Time P2P Network Simulation for Very Large Virtual Environment., , und . DS-RT, Seite 35-42. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)FaceEngine a 3D facial animation engine for real time applications: a 3D facial animation engine for real time applications., , und . Web3D, Seite 15-22. ACM, (2001)A MPEG-4 AFX compliant platform for 3D contents distribution in peer-to-peer., , , und . ICIP, Seite 2688-2691. IEEE, (2008)Developments in Ray-Tracing., und . Advances in Computer Graphics, Seite 154-212. Springer, (1988)Network-Based Visualization of 3D Landscapes and City Models., , , und . IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 27 (6): 70-79 (2007)A framework for scalable virtual worlds using spatially organized P2P networks., , und . VRST, Seite 237-238. ACM, (2008)PBTree - A New Progressive and Hierarchical Representation for Network-Based Navigation in Urban Environments., , und . VMV, Seite 299-307. Aka GmbH, (2003)