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Metrics for Evaluation of Ontology-based Information, и . In WWW 2006 Workshop on ''Evaluation of Ontologies for the Web, (2006)Human Language Technology for Knowledge Acquisition for the Semantic Web, и . EKAW 2006, (10 2006-10)Ontology-Based Information Extraction for Business Intelligence, , , и . (2008)Combining Expert Knowledge with NLP for Specialised Applications., и . TDS, том 12284 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 3-10. Springer, (2020)Interlinking Documents Based on Semantic Graphs with an Application, , , , , и . Knowledge-Based Information Systems in Practice, том 30 из Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Springer International Publishing, (2015)Diving Deep into the Murky Web of Social Media.. WEBIST, стр. 15. SCITEPRESS, (2022)Automatic Detection of Political Opinions in Tweets., и . ESWC Workshops, том 7117 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 88-99. Springer, (2011)Methods for ontology evaluation, , , , , и . KWeb Deliverable, D1.2.3. University of Karlsruhe, (декабря 2004)Report and Prototype of Dynamics in the Ontology Lifecycle (D2.3.8v1), , , , , , , и . Deliverable, 238v1. Knowledge Web, (2006)Towards a Semantic Extraction of Named Entities, , и . Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Bulgaria, (10-12 September 2003)