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Billiards: an optimization challenge., , и . C3S2E, стр. 129-132. ACM, (2011)A robust controller for a two-layered approach applied to the game of billiards., , и . Entertain. Comput., 3 (3): 59-70 (2012)Improvements to the Linear Optimization Models of Patrol Scheduling for Mobile Targets., , и . Canadian AI, том 9091 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 30-41. Springer, (2015)Optimization of a Billiard Player - Position Play., и . ACG, том 4250 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 263-272. Springer, (2006)Optimization of a Billiard Player - Tactical Play., и . Computers and Games, том 4630 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 256-270. Springer, (2006)Fuzzy Distributed Workflows for Crisis Management Decision Makers., , и . EuroISI, том 5376 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 226-236. Springer, (2008)