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Mail-By-Example: a visual Query Interface for Email Management., , , и . Advanced Visual Interfaces, стр. 280-281. ACM Press, (2000)DAC Stacking: A Deep Learning Ensemble to Classify Anxiety, Depression, and Their Comorbidity From Reddit Texts., , и . IEEE J. Biomed. Health Informatics, 26 (7): 3303-3311 (2022)Quarenteners vs. Chloroquiners: A framework to analyze how political polarization affects the behavior of groups., , , и . WI/IAT, стр. 203-210. IEEE, (2020)A Quantitative Survey on the Use of the Cube., , и . SemStats@ISWC, том 1551 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2015)Reusable frameworks for decision support systems development. University of Namur, Belgium, (1993)UFRGS Participation on the WMT Biomedical Translation Shared Task., и . WMT (shared task), стр. 662-666. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2018)Finding, Assessing, and Integrating Statistical Sources for Data Mining., , , и . KNOW@LOD, том 1365 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2015)Ranking Hotel Reviews Based on User's Aspects Importance and Opinions., , , и . NLPIR, стр. 157-162. ACM, (2020)Inserting Data Warehouse in Corporations., и . ICEIS (1), стр. 3-9. (2001)A Classification-based Approach for Bibliographic Metadata Deduplication, , , и . Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2011, (2011)