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Inertial game dynamics and applications to constrained optimization, and . CoRR, (2013)Optimistic mirror descent in saddle-point problems: Going the extra (gradient) mile., , , , , and . ICLR (Poster),, (2019)Riemannian-geometric optimization methods for MIMO multiple access channels., and . ISIT, page 216-220. IEEE, (2013)Gradient-free Online Resource Allocation Algorithms for Dynamic Wireless Networks., , , and . SPAWC, page 1-5. IEEE, (2019)No regrets: Distributed power control under time-varying channels and QoS requirements., , and . Allerton, page 213-220. IEEE, (2014)Mirror descent learning in continuous games., , , , and . CDC, page 5776-5783. IEEE, (2017)Convergence to nash equilibrium in continuous games with noisy first-order feedback., and . CDC, page 5609-5614. IEEE, (2017)Pick your Neighbor: Local Gauss-Southwell Rule for Fast Asynchronous Decentralized Optimization., , , and . CDC, page 1602-1609. IEEE, (2022)Power Control with Random Delays: Robust Feedback Averaging., , , and . CDC, page 7040-7045. IEEE, (2018)The Stability of Matrix Multiplicative Weights Dynamics in Quantum Games., , and . CDC, page 1225-1232. IEEE, (2023)