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Same or Different? Schwas in Naturally Spoken German., и . ICPhS, стр. 2324-2327. (2011)Linguistic measures of pitch range in slavic and Germanic languages., , , , и . INTERSPEECH, стр. 968-972. ISCA, (2015)Perception of French speakers' German vowels., и . INTERSPEECH, стр. 1720-1724. ISCA, (2015)Phonological and morphological constraints on German /t/-deletions., , и . J. Phonetics, (2014)Comparison of pitch profiles of German and French speakers speaking French and German., , , и . ICPhS, University of Glasgow, (2015)Analysis of phone confusion matrices in a manually annotated French-German learner corpus., , , , , и . SLaTE, стр. 107-112. ISCA, (2015)Differences of pitch profiles in Germanic and slavic languages., , , , , и . INTERSPEECH, стр. 1307-1311. ISCA, (2014)Architekt or archtekt? perception of devoiced vowels produced by Japanese speakers of German., , и . INTERSPEECH, стр. 417-420. ISCA, (2013)Devoicing of vowels in German, a comparison of Japanese and German speakers., и . INTERSPEECH, стр. 3226-3229. ISCA, (2013)The effect of high-variability training on the perception and production of French stops by German native speakers., , , и . INTERSPEECH, стр. 806-810. ISCA, (2015)