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Fighting Cybercrime through Education: Integration of an Educational Cyber Defence Centre into Cyber Security Curricula., , и . ERCIM News, 2022 (129): 0 (2022)A Generic Approach to Critical Infrastructure Modeling and Simulation., , , и . CyberSecurity, стр. 144-151. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)An Ontology Capturing the Interdependence of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Information Security., и . CECC, стр. 19:1-19:6. ACM, (2018)A roadmap to risk-aware business process management., , и . APSCC, стр. 23-27. IEEE, (2009)Taxonomy of Data Fragment Classification Techniques., , и . ICDF2C, том 132 из Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, стр. 67-85. Springer, (2013)APT RPG: Design of a Gamified Attacker/Defender Meta Model., , , и . ICISSP, стр. 526-537. SciTePress, (2018)An Open Source Code Analyzer and Reviewer (OSCAR) Framework., , , и . ARES, стр. 511-515. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Towards Resilient Artificial Intelligence: Survey and Research Issues., , , , , , , , и . CSR, стр. 536-542. IEEE, (2021)Security considerations for the procurement and acquisition of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems., , , , и . FUZZ-IEEE, стр. 1-7. IEEE, (2022)Cyber Exercises in Computer Science Education., , , , и . ICISSP, стр. 404-411. SCITEPRESS, (2022)