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Deep Ensemble Models for 16S Ribosomal Gene Classification., , , и . ISBRA, том 12304 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 282-290. Springer, (2020)Performance measurement for a wavelet transform-based video compression., и . ACM Southeast Regional Conference, стр. 216-220. ACM, (2011)Designing an SLA Protocol with Renegotiation to Maximize Revenues for the CMAC Platform., , , , , , и . WISE Workshops, том 7652 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 105-117. Springer, (2012)A prototype chipset for a large scaleable ATM switching node., , , , и . Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, стр. 131-136. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)Adventure Game with a Neural Network Controlled Non-playing Character., , , и . ICMLA, стр. 396-401. IEEE, (2017)Hardware implementation of similarity functions., , и . IADIS AC, стр. 329-332. IADIS, (2005)Unravelling of Convolutional Neural Networks through Bharatanatyam Mudra Classification with Limited Data., , , и . CCWC, стр. 342-347. IEEE, (2020)The ALife Zoo: cross-browser, platform-agnostic hosting of Artificial Life simulations., , и . ECAL, стр. 71-78. MIT Press, (2013)Training a Neural Network Controlled Non-playing Character with Previous Output Awareness., и . ACM Southeast Regional Conference, стр. 202-205. ACM, (2019)Creating a web-based, 2-D action game in JavaScript with HTML5.. ACM Southeast Regional Conference, стр. 7:1-7:6. ACM, (2014)