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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

IEEE-Compliant IDCT on FPGA-Augmented TriMedia., , , , und . VLSI Signal Processing, 39 (3): 195-212 (2005)A Methodology for Architecture Exploration of Heterogeneous Signal Processing Systems., , , und . VLSI Signal Processing, 29 (3): 197-207 (2001)YAPI: application modeling for signal processing systems., , , , , , , und . DAC, Seite 402-405. ACM, (2000)FINN: A Framework for Fast, Scalable Binarized Neural Network Inference., , , , , , und . FPGA, Seite 65-74. ACM, (2017)Keynote 2: Versal: The new Xilinx Adaptive Compute Acceleration Platforms (ACAP).. IA3@SC, Seite x. IEEE, (2018)Versal: The Xilinx Adaptive Compute Acceleration Platform (ACAP).. FPGA, Seite 83. ACM, (2019)A Methodology to Design Programmable Embedded Systems - The Y-Chart Approach., , , und . Embedded Processor Design Challenges, Volume 2268 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 18-37. Springer, (2002)The construction of a retargetable simulator for an architecture template., , , und . CODES, Seite 125-129. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)An Approach for Quantitative Analysis of Application-Specific Dataflow Architectures., , , und . ASAP, Seite 338-349. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)MPEG Macroblock Parsing and Pel Reconstruction On An FPGA-Augmented TriMedia Processor., , , , und . ICCD, Seite 425-430. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)