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Questionnaire Items for Evaluating Artificial Social Agents - Expert Generated, Content Validated and Reliability Analysed.

, , , and . IVA, page 84-86. ACM, (2021)

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Questionnaire Items for Evaluating Artificial Social Agents - Expert Generated, Content Validated and Reliability Analysed., , , and . IVA, page 84-86. ACM, (2021)Eating with an Artificial Commensal Companion., , , , and . ICMI Companion, page 312-316. ACM, (2020)Special issue editorial: Virtual Agents for Social Skills Training., , and . J. Multimodal User Interfaces, 13 (1): 1-2 (2019)Touching Virtual Agents: Embodiment and Mind., , , , , and . eNTERFACE, volume 425 of IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, page 114-138. Springer, (2013)A Moving Feast: Effects of Color, Shape and Animation on Taste Associations and Taste Perceptions., , and . ACE, page 13:1-13:12. ACM, (2016)Corrigendum: Mandarin Chinese translation of the Artificial-Social-Agent questionnaire instrument for evaluating human-agent interaction., , , , , and . Frontiers Comput. Sci., (2024)Selecting and Expressing Communicative Functions in a SAIBA-Compliant Agent Framework., , , , , and . IVA, volume 10498 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 73-82. Springer, (2017)Agents United: An Open Platform for Multi-Agent Conversational Systems., , , , , , , , , and 15 other author(s). IVA, page 17-24. ACM, (2021)Affective Conversational Models: Interpersonal Stance in a Police Interview Context.. ACII, page 624-629. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Introducing Artificial Commensal Companions., , , , and . AVI, page 89:1-89:3. ACM, (2020)