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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Specification and Verification of a Safety Shell with Statecharts and Extended Timed Graphs., , , , und . SAFECOMP, Volume 1943 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 37-52. Springer, (2000)Applying idealized lower-bound runtime models to understand inefficiencies in data-intensive computing., , , , , und . SIGMETRICS, Seite 125-126. ACM, (2011)An artificial neural network study of the relationship between arousal, task difficulty and learning., , , , und . IJCNN, Seite 3618-3621. IEEE, (1999)Network-Scale Emulation of General Wireless Channels., , , und . VTC Fall, Seite 1-5. IEEE, (2011)Eliciting Emotions in Design of Games - a Theory Driven Approach., , , und . EMPIRE@RecSys, Volume 1680 von CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Seite 34-42., (2016)Capture, Conversion, and Analysis of an Intense NFS Workload.. FAST, Seite 139-152. USENIX, (2009)Buttress: A Toolkit for Flexible and High Fidelity I/O Benchmarking., , , und . FAST, Seite 45-58. USENIX, (2004)Challenges in Deploying Steerable Wireless Testbeds., , , , und . TRIDENTCOM, Volume 46 von Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Seite 231-240. Springer, (2010)A Retrospective on Twelve Years of LISA Proceedings., und . LISA, Seite 95-108. USENIX, (1999)Side Comments - style commenting. (2015)