Author of the publication

What is a Cell Cycle Checkpoint? The TotemBioNet Answer.

, , , and . CMSB, volume 12314 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 362-372. Springer, (2020)

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A Genetically Modified Hoare Logic that Identifies the Parameters of a Gene Network., , and . CMSB, volume 9308 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 8-12. Springer, (2015)Exception Handling and Term Labelling., and . TAPSOFT, volume 668 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 421-436. Springer, (1993)A Qualitative Framework Dedicated to Toxicology., , , and . BIOINFORMATICS, page 93-103. SciTePress, (2017)Detecting Toxicity Pathways with a Formal Framework Based on Equilibrium Changes., , , and . CMSB, volume 10545 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 196-213. Springer, (2017)Algebraic Semantics of Exception Handling., , and . ESOP, volume 213 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 173-186. Springer, (1986)Chronique : Le programme d'épigénomique., and . Technique et Science Informatiques, 26 (1-2): 237-240 (2007)Modeling of Goal-oriented Human Motion Evolution using Hidden Markov Models., , , , and . ICPRAM, page 605-612. SciTePress, (2019)Abstract Implementation with Exception Handling.. ADT, (1986)Computer-aided Formal Proofs about Dendritic Integration within a Neuron., , , , and . BIOINFORMATICS, page 49-60. SciTePress, (2018)A Formal Approach to Software Testing., , and . AMAST, page 243-253. Springer, (1991)