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Cue-bot: A Conversational Agent for Assistive Technology., , , , , , and . ACL (demo), page 196-203. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2022)Stability and bifurcation analysis of the AVQ and E-RED queue management policies., and . CCA, page 114-121. IEEE, (2016)CueBot: Cue-Controlled Response Generation for Assistive Interaction Usages., , , , , , and . SLPAT@ACL, page 66-79. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2022)Challenges to building Bluetooth-based sensing solutions., and . BODYNETS, page 6. ICST, (2009)Affsens: a mobile platform for capturing affect in context., , , , , and . MobileHCI Adjunct, page 321-326. ACM, (2018)Requirements for the Ink Markup Language, and . World Wide Web Consortium, Note NOTE-inkreqs-20030122, (January 2003)Peter 2.0: Building a Cyborg., , , , , and . PETRA, page 169-175. ACM, (2022)A context-management framework for telemedicine: an emergency medicine case study., , , , , , , , , and 3 other author(s). Wireless Health, page 164-173. ACM, (2010)Designing for ä" user: Stephen Hawking's UI., , and . PDC (2), page 94-95. ACM, (2016)Stability and Hopf bifurcation analysis of a flow control algorithm with some AQMs., and . CCA, page 122-128. IEEE, (2016)