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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Wide Range Gain Programmable Class AB Current Mirrors for Low Supply Operation.. ISCAS, Seite 545-548. IEEE, (1994)A BiCMOS Universal Membership Function Circuit with Fully Independant, Adjustable Parameters.. ISCAS, Seite 275-278. IEEE, (1995)Linear compact CMOS OTA with multidecade tuning, -62dB IM3, -75dB SFDR, constant input range and two independent degrees of freedom for gain adjustment., , , und . ISCAS, IEEE, (2006)A CMOS transconductor with 90 dB SFDR and low sensitivity to mismatch., , , , und . ISCAS, IEEE, (2006)Built-in self-test scheme for on-chip diagnosis, compliant with the IEEE 1149.4 mixed-signal test bus standard., und . ISCAS (1), Seite 149-152. IEEE, (2002)Highly linear wide tuning range CMOS transconductor operating in moderate inversion., , , und . ISCAS (1), Seite 805-808. IEEE, (2004)A Master-slave Scheme to Tune Gain of Transconductance Amplifiers with High Accuracy.. ISCAS, Seite 1176-1179. IEEE, (1993)Low-voltage Programmable FIR Filters Using Voltage Followers and Analog Multipliers., und . ISCAS, Seite 1408-1411. IEEE, (1993)A new 1.5V linear transconductor with high output impedance in a large bandwidth., , , und . ISCAS (1), Seite 157-160. IEEE, (2003)Ultra Low Voltage Variable Gain Cherry-Hooper Amplifier with 1MHz Constant Bandwidth, 1.7µW Power Dissipation and ±0.2V Supply., , , , , und . MWSCAS, Seite 786-789. IEEE, (2019)