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Accurate Phase-Added Stereogram, , and . Adaptive Optics: Analysis and Methods/Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging/Information Photonics/Signal Recovery and Synthesis Topical Meetings on CD-ROM, page DTuB5. Optical Society of America, (2007)Computer-generated cylindrical rainbow hologram, , and . (2008)High resolution computer-generated cylindrical hologram., , and . IUCS, volume 398 of ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, page 335-338. ACM, (2009)Image Type Computer-Generated Hologram of Shaded Object., , and . ACIS-ICIS, page 827-830. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Integral holography, and . (1995)Dynamics of Commodity Price Fluctuations in Japan., , , and . ECCS, page 297-308. Springer, (2014)Full-color image-plane holographic video display, , and . (2007)An analysis of female labor supply, housing demand and the saving rate in Japan, and . European Economic Review, 33 (5): 997--1023 (May 1989)Propulsion Mechanism based on Inertial Force., , and . Robotics and Applications, page 148-153. IASTED/ACTA Press, (2003)Accurate phase-added stereogram to improve the coherent stereogram, , and . Appl. Opt., 47 (19): D44--D54 (2008)