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Social Multimedia Computing., , , and . Computer, 43 (8): 27-36 (2010)Towards Analyzing Adversarial Behavior in Clandestine Networks., , , , , and . Applied Adversarial Reasoning and Risk Modeling, volume WS-11-06 of AAAI Technical Report, AAAI, (2011)PrairieKNOW: a tool to assist the study, creation, and growth of community networks., , and . HCI (2), page 447-451. Lawrence Erlbaum, (1999)Cyberinfrastructure for public health., and . DG.O, volume 151 of ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, page 9-10. Digital Government Research Center, (2006)Hot off the wiki: dynamics, practices, and structures in Wikipedia's coverage of the Tōhoku catastrophes., , and . Int. Sym. Wikis, page 105-113. ACM, (2011)IKNOW: A Tool to Assist and Study the Creation, Maintenance, and Dissolution of Knowledge Networks., , and . Community Computing and Support Systems, volume 1519 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 201-217. Springer, (1998)Mining for Gold Farmers: Automatic Detection of Deviant Players in MMOGs., , , , and . CSE (4), page 340-345. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Exploring Twitter networks in parallel computing environments., , and . XSEDE, page 20:1-20:5. ACM, (2013)The Emergence of Multidimensional Networks.. J. Comput. Mediat. Commun., 14 (3): 743-747 (2009)Functional or social?: exploring teams in online games., , , and . CSCW, page 399-408. ACM, (2013)