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Key Establishment Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks., , and . MASS, page 1-6. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)G-PASTA: GPU-Accelerated Partitioning Algorithm for Static Timing Analysis., , , , , , , , and . DAC, page 76:1-76:6. ACM, (2024)Labor exploitation investigation using statistical and multiple object tracking assessment methods., , and . Multim. Tools Appl., 82 (29): 46085-46108 (December 2023)Measurement of Energy Costs of Security in Wireless Sensor Nodes., , and . ICCCN, page 95-102. IEEE, (2007)Security in Operational Wireless Sensor Networks., , and . CCNC, page 781-785. IEEE, (2008)Comparison of Multispectral Image Processing Techniques to Brain MR Image Classification between Fuzzy C-Mean Method and Geodesic Active Contours of Caselles Level Set Method., , and . ICCCI (1), volume 6421 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 491-498. Springer, (2010)A mobile support system to assist DUI offenders on probation in reducing DUI relapse., , , , , , , , , and 1 other author(s). UbiComp/ISWC Adjunct, page 77-80. ACM, (2017)Assessment of Energy Consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Case Study for Security Algorithms., , and . MASS, page 1-6. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Smart Observer for Distant Water Fishing in Taiwan., , , , , and . CSCI, page 1454-1460. IEEE, (2022)TDPM-CNN: a comprehensive daytime and nighttime PM2.5 estimation method using multi-kernel convolutional neural networks., , , and . Earth Sci. Informatics, 18 (1): 129 (January 2025)