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Spectrally-Constrained Sequences: Bounds and Constructions., , , и . IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 64 (4): 2571-2582 (2018)A Design of Low-Projection SCMA Codebooks for Ultra-Low Decoding Complexity in Downlink IoT Networks., , , , , и . IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun., 22 (10): 6608-6623 (октября 2023)Constructions of Optimal and Near-Optimal Quasi-Complementary Sequence Sets from Singer Difference Sets., , , и . IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett., 2 (5): 487-490 (2013)DSLN: Securing Internet of Things Through RF Fingerprint Recognition in Low-SNR Settings., , , и . IEEE Internet Things J., 9 (5): 3838-3849 (2022)A Novel Hybrid Code-Domain Index Modulation Scheme., , , , , и . IEEE Commun. Lett., 25 (10): 3403-3407 (2021)ICI-Resilient Cognitive Radio Sequences for Transform Domain Communication Systems., , , , , и . VTC Fall, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2015)Efficient Multiuser Detection for Uplink Grant-Free NOMA via Weighted Block Coordinate Descend., , , , , и . ICC Workshops, стр. 1149-1154. IEEE, (2023)New Family of Cross Z-Complementary Sequences With Large ZCZ Width., , и . ISIT, стр. 522-527. IEEE, (2022)Designing Two-Dimensional Complete Complementary Codes for Omnidirectional Transmission in Massive MIMO Systems., , , , и . ISIT, стр. 2285-2290. IEEE, (2022)BCH-SPC based Cubic Turbo Product Coding., , , , и . IWSDA, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2022)