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A Semantic k-Anonymity Privacy Protection Method for Publishing Sparse Location Data., , , , and . CBD, page 216-222. IEEE, (2019)The eXtensible ontology development (XOD) principles and tool implementation to support ontology interoperability., , , , , and . J. Biomed. Semant., 9 (1): 3:1-3:10 (2018)Modeling biomedical experimental processes with OBI., , , , , , , , , and 7 other author(s). J. Biomed. Semant., 1 (S-1): S7 (2010)AnnotCompute: annotation-based exploration and meta-analysis of genomics experiments., , , , and . Database J. Biol. Databases Curation, (2011)Joint 3D Beamforming and Power Allocation in Distributed Antenna Systems., , , , and . ICCS, page 89-93. IEEE, (2018)High-performance reflective liquid level sensor based on titled fiber Bragg grating inscribed in the thin-core fiber., , , , , and . OFC, page 1-3. IEEE, (2014)Synergistic Use of COSMO-SkyMed and Sentinel-1 Data for Costal Flood Analyses., , , , , , and . IGARSS, page 4935-4938. IEEE, (2022)A new D numbers' integration rule based on pessimistic criterion., , and . J. Intell. Fuzzy Syst., 44 (2): 3219-3231 (2023)Design of Algorithm for Apple Rapid Positioning Based on YOLO Target Detection Model., , , and . ICAIIS, page 169:1-169:4. ACM, (2021)Action Recognition Based on Parallel Multi-Granularity Feature Refinement Networks., , , , , and . CBD, page 189-194. IEEE, (2021)