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Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control in Vehicle Platoon under Environment of i-VICS.

, , , und . ITSC, Seite 1246-1251. IEEE, (2018)

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Convolutional Trajectory Similarity Model: a faster method for trajectory similarity measurement., , , , und . ITSC, Seite 3770-3775. IEEE, (2019)SoccerNet 2022 Challenges Results, , , , , , , , , und 84 andere Autor(en). MMSports@MM 2022: Proceedings of the 5th International ACM Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports, Lisboa, Portugal, 14 October 2022, Seite 75--86. ACM, (2022)Harmonious Lane Changing via Deep Reinforcement Learning., , , und . IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., 23 (5): 4642-4650 (2022)Algorithms for partitioning path construction of handwritten numeral strings., , und . ICPR, Seite 372-374. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)Page Segmentation of Chinese Newspaper., , und . PRIS, Seite 171-182. ICEIS Press, (2001)A probabilistic approach for traffic state estimation., , , und . ITSC, Seite 2595-2600. IEEE, (2016)Simulating coherent flow with cellular automaton model., , , , und . ITSC, Seite 546-551. IEEE, (2012)3D Multi-Object Tracking Based on Radar-Camera Fusion., und . ITSC, Seite 2502-2507. IEEE, (2022)Short-term traffic flow forecasting of urban network based on dynamic STARIMA model., , , , und . ITSC, Seite 1-6. IEEE, (2009)Using 3S technology to estimate OD matrix., , , , und . ITSC, Seite 1-6. IEEE, (2009)