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Overcoming independent extensibility challenges., и . Commun. ACM, 45 (10): 41-44 (2002)More Advice on Proving Compilers Correct: Improve Correct Compilers. (сентября 1994)XML Support in Visual Basic 9., и . PLAN-X, стр. 86. BRICS, Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus, (2006)Delete-m Jackknife for Unequal m, , и . Statistics and Computing, 9 (1): 3-8 (1999)All your database are belong to us.. Commun. ACM, 55 (9): 54-60 (2012)A co-relational model of data for large shared data banks., и . Commun. ACM, 54 (4): 49-58 (2011)Conversations with technology leaders: Erik Meijer., и . Commun. ACM, 60 (6): 51-54 (2017)More Advice on Proving a Compiler Correct: Improve a Correct Compiler.. Declarative Programming, стр. 255-273. Springer, (1991)Lost in translation: formalizing proposed extensions to c#., , и . OOPSLA, стр. 479-498. ACM, (2007)CEDAR: Continuous Testing of Deep Learning Libraries., , , , , , и . SANER, стр. 371-382. IEEE, (2024)