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A Systematic Review of Usability Studies in Augmented Reality between 2005 and 2014.

, , , and . ISMAR Adjunct, page 49-50. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)

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Mobile maze: a comparison of camera based mobile game human interfaces., , and . Mobile HCI, page 329-330. ACM, (2005)FingARtips: gesture based direct manipulation in Augmented Reality., , , and . GRAPHITE, page 212-221. ACM, (2004)3D palette: a virtual reality content creation tool., , , and . VRST, page 155-156. ACM, (1997)A framework and testbed for studying manipulation techniques for immersive VR., , , and . VRST, page 21-28. ACM, (1997)Interfaces For Wearable Computers., and . VRAIS, page 290. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)On the Shoulder of the Giant: A Multi-Scale Mixed Reality Collaboration with 360 Video Sharing and Tangible Interaction., , , , , and . CHI, page 228. ACM, (2019)A comparative study of simulated augmented reality displays for vehicle navigation., , and . OZCHI, page 40-48. ACM, (2016)Using augmented reality to assist forklift operation., , and . OZCHI, page 16-24. ACM, (2016)Mobile audible AR experience for medical learning murmurs simulation., , , and . SIGGRAPH ASIA Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications, page 19:1. ACM, (2016)User experiences with mobile phone camera game interfaces., , and . MUM, volume 154 of ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, page 87-94. ACM, (2005)