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Advertising Legality Recognition.

, , and . COLING (Posters), page 1219-1228. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, (2012)

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Development of a Web-Scale Chinese Word N-gram Corpus with Parts of Speech Information., , and . LREC, page 320-324. European Language Resources Association (ELRA), (2012)A Comparison between Microblog Corpus and Balanced Corpus from Linguistic and Sentimental Perspectives., , and . Analyzing Microtext, volume WS-11-05 of AAAI Technical Report, AAAI, (2011)Advertising Legality Recognition., , and . COLING (Posters), page 1219-1228. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, (2012)Chinese Irony Corpus Construction and Ironic Structure Analysis., and . COLING, page 1269-1278. ACL, (2014)FAdR: A System for Recognizing False Online Advertisements., and . ACL (System Demonstrations), page 103-108. The Association for Computer Linguistics, (2014)Mining Sentiment Words from Microblogs for Predicting Writer-Reader Emotion Transition., and . LREC, page 1226-1229. European Language Resources Association (ELRA), (2012)