B. Sherman, and A. Strowel. Clarendon Press; Oxford University Press, Oxford; New York, (1994)019: 30977255 31437028; compiled by Brad Sherman and Alain Strowel.; Includes bibliographical references and index.; Figures of the author / Roger Chartier--The author as proprietor: Donaldson v. Becket and the genealogy of modern authorship / Mark Rose--Film authorship in the changing audio-visual environment / Marjut Salokannel--The law's eye: nature and copyright / Bernard Edelman--Dropping the subject: an argument for a positive history of authorship and the law of copyright / David Saunders--From the non-original to the ab-original: a history / Brad Sherman--A tale of two copyrights: literary property in revolutionary France and America / Jane C. Ginsburg--Must copyright be for ever caught between marketplace and authorship norms? / Paul Edward Geller--Paradigms in copyright law / F. Willem Grosheide--Droit d'auteur and copyright: between history and nature..
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Of authors and origins : essays on copyright lawB. Sherman, and A. Strowel. Clarendon Press; Oxford University Press, Oxford; New York, (1994)019: 30977255 31437028; compiled by Brad Sherman and Alain Strowel.; Includes bibliographical references and index.; Figures of the author / Roger Chartier--The author as proprietor: Donaldson v. Becket and the genealogy of modern authorship / Mark Rose--Film authorship in the changing audio-visual environment / Marjut Salokannel--The law's eye: nature and copyright / Bernard Edelman--Dropping the subject: an argument for a positive history of authorship and the law of copyright / David Saunders--From the non-original to the ab-original: a history / Brad Sherman--A tale of two copyrights: literary property in revolutionary France and America / Jane C. Ginsburg--Must copyright be for ever caught between marketplace and authorship norms? / Paul Edward Geller--Paradigms in copyright law / F. Willem Grosheide--Droit d'auteur and copyright: between history and nature..
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