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Rate Adaptation and Admission Control for Video Transmission with Subjective Quality Constraints., , , , и . CoRR, (2013)Distributed rate allocation for video streaming over wireless networks with heterogeneous link speeds., и . IWCMC, стр. 296-301. ACM, (2007)Peer-assisted packet loss repair for IPTV video multicast., , , и . ACM Multimedia, стр. 401-410. ACM, (2009)NADA: A Unified Congestion Control Scheme for Low-Latency Interactive Video., и . PV, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2013)Cross-layer design for video streaming over wireless ad hoc networks., , , , и . MMSP, стр. 99-102. IEEE, (2004)Fixing multi-client oscillations in HTTP-based adaptive streaming: A control theoretic approach., , , , и . MMSP, стр. 230-235. IEEE, (2013)Low-Latency Network-Adaptive Error Control for Interactive Streaming., , , , , , и . IEEE Trans. Multim., (2022)A unified framework for distributed video rate allocation over wireless networks., и . Ad Hoc Networks, 9 (4): 608-622 (2011)A Cognitive Map Learning Model Based on Hippocampal Place Cells., , , и . ICMRE, стр. 73-77. ACM, (2018)Cloud-assisted streaming for low-latency applications., , , , и . ICNC, стр. 949-953. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)