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Feature Learning from Spectrograms for Assessment of Personality Traits., , , и . CoRR, (2016)Cepstral and long-term features for emotion recognition., , , , и . INTERSPEECH, стр. 344-347. ISCA, (2009)Weighted Ordered Classes - Nearest Neighbors: A New Framework for Automatic Emotion Recognition from Speech., и . INTERSPEECH, стр. 3125-3128. ISCA, (2011)Integration framework for speech processing with live visualization interfaces., , , , и . RO-MAN, стр. 144-150. IEEE, (2016)Complex IRM-Aware Training for Voice Activity Detection Using Attention Model., , , и . ICASSP, стр. 3698-3702. IEEE, (2022)Automatic Emotion Recognition from Cochlear Implant-Like Spectrally Reduced Speech., , , , и . IWAAL, том 8868 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 332-340. Springer, (2014)Emotion recognition from children's speech using anchor models., и . WOCCI, стр. 82-86. ISCA, (2012)Row Conditional-TGAN for Generating Synthetic Relational Databases., , и . ICASSP, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2023)Automatic Emotion Recognition from Speech A PhD Research Proposal., и . ACII (2), том 6975 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 191-199. Springer, (2011)Amplitude modulation features for emotion recognition from speech., , , , и . INTERSPEECH, стр. 2420-2424. ISCA, (2013)