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Dealing with uncertainty in microphone placement in a microphone array speech recognition system., , и . ICASSP, стр. 1565-1568. IEEE, (2008)Eigengaze - covert behavioral biometric exploiting visual attention characteristics., и . ISSPA, стр. 654-657. IEEE, (2010)Soft + Hardwired Attention: An LSTM Framework for Human Trajectory Prediction and Abnormal Event Detection., , , и . CoRR, (2017)Predicting Serves in Tennis using Style Priors., , , , , и . KDD, стр. 2207-2215. ACM, (2015)Hierarchical temporal decomposition: a novel approach to efficient compression of spectral characteristics of speech., , и . ICSLP, ISCA, (1998)Speech Enhancement Iby Simulation Of Cocktail Party Effect With Neural Network Controlled Iterative Filter., , и . ISSPA, стр. 541-544. IEEE, (1996)Implementation of state-space digital filter structures using block floating-point arithmetic.. ICASSP, стр. 908-911. IEEE, (1987)Robust enhancement of reverberant speech using iterative noise removal., , и . EUROSPEECH, стр. 2603-2606. ISCA, (1997)Automatic gender identification under adverse conditions., и . EUROSPEECH, стр. 2307-2310. ISCA, (1997)Multilingual phone clustering for recognition of spontaneous indonesian speech utilising pronunciation modelling techniques., , , и . INTERSPEECH, стр. 3133-3136. ISCA, (2003)