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SANE: a protection architecture for enterprise networks, , , , , , и . Proceedings of the 15th conference on USENIX Security Symposium - Volume 15, Berkeley, CA, USA, (2006)Key Homomorphic PRFs and Their Applications., , , и . IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, (2015)Robust fingerprinting codes: a near optimal construction., , и . Digital Rights Management Workshop, стр. 3-12. ACM, (2010)Exposing private information by timing web applications., и . WWW, стр. 621-628. ACM, (2007)Protecting browser state from web privacy attacks., , , и . WWW, стр. 737-744. ACM, (2006)Using Level-1 Homomorphic Encryption to Improve Threshold DSA Signatures for Bitcoin Wallet Security., , и . LATINCRYPT, том 11368 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 352-377. Springer, (2017)Quantum-Secure Message Authentication Codes., и . EUROCRYPT, том 7881 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 592-608. Springer, (2013)Homomorphic Signatures for Polynomial Functions., и . EUROCRYPT, том 6632 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 149-168. Springer, (2011)The Design and Implementation of Protocol-Based Hidden Key Recovery., , , и . ISC, том 2851 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 165-179. Springer, (2003)Simplified OAEP for the RSA and Rabin Functions.. CRYPTO, том 2139 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 275-291. Springer, (2001)