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Location verification using secure distance bounding protocols., and . MASS, IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Security-Focused Training Model of Reinforcement Learning in Autonomous Vehicles., , , , , and . VNC, page 215-218. IEEE, (2024)Privacy-Preserving ECC-Based Grouping Proofs for RFID., , , , and . ISC, volume 6531 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 159-165. Springer, (2010)A New Privacy Enhancing Beacon Scheme in V2X Communication., , and . DPM/CBT@ESORICS, volume 13140 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 139-151. Springer, (2021)Key Establishment Using Secure Distance Bounding Protocols., and . MobiQuitous, page 1-6. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Security and Privacy Threat Analysis for Solid., , , , , and . SecDev, page 196-206. IEEE, (2023)FuzzyKey: Comparing Fuzzy Cryptographic Primitives on Resource-Constrained Devices., , , and . CARDIS, volume 13173 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 289-309. Springer, (2021)A Privacy-Preserving Remote Healthcare System Offering End-to-End Security., , , and . ADHOC-NOW, volume 9724 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 237-250. Springer, (2016)Design and Implementation of a Terrorist Fraud Resilient Distance Bounding System., , , , and . ESORICS, volume 7459 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 415-432. Springer, (2012)Encrypted Traffic Classification for Early-Stage Anomaly Detection in Power Grid Communication Network., , , and . ISGT EUROPE, page 1-6. IEEE, (2023)