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Telco asks transp: Can you give me a ride in the era of big data?, , , , и . INFOCOM Workshops, стр. 766-771. IEEE, (2017)Dynamic Interference Mitigation in Two Tier HetNets: Modeling and Analysis., , и . VTC Fall, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2014)Real-life experiments of Multi-Radio Multi-Channel wireless mesh networks: 802.11n is not any better than 802.11a!, , , и . ICICS, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2011)Link Stability Based Optimized Routing Framework for Software Defined Vehicular Networks., , и . IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, 68 (3): 2934-2945 (2019)A Fixed Channel Assignment Scheme for Multihop Cellular Network., и . GLOBECOM, IEEE, (2006)Performance of Efficient CBRP in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETS)., , и . VTC Fall, стр. 1-7. IEEE, (2008)BSM dissemination with network coded relaying in VANETs at NLOS intersections., , и . ICC, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2017)Efficient Flow Instantiation via Source Routing in Software Defined Vehicular Networks., , и . VTC Fall, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2017)Performance Analysis of Network Coding With Virtual Overhearing in Wireless Networks., , и . IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., 64 (5): 2051-2061 (2015)Blockchain Enabled Opportunistic Fog-based Radio Access Network: A Position Paper., , и . ITNAC, стр. 1-3. IEEE, (2019)