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Tracking through changes in scale., , , и . ICIP, стр. 241-244. IEEE, (2008)Angle-preserving mappings for the visualization of multi-branched vessels., , , , и . ICIP (2), стр. 945-948. IEEE, (2002)Blind Deconvolution of Medical Ultrasound Images: A Parametric Inverse Filtering Approach., и . IEEE Trans. Image Processing, 16 (12): 3005-3019 (2007)Improved tracking by decoupling camera and target motion., и . Real-Time Image Processing, том 6811 из SPIE Proceedings, стр. 681112. SPIE, (2008)Area and Lenght Preserving Geometric Invariant Scale-Spaces., и . ECCV (2), том 801 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 449-458. Springer, (1994)4D Active Surfaces for Cardiac Analysis., и . MICCAI (1), том 2488 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 667-673. Springer, (2002)Non-distorting Flattening for Virtual Colonoscopy., , , и . MICCAI, том 1935 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 358-366. Springer, (2000)On the structure of suboptimal H∞ controllers in the sensitivity minimization problem for distributed stable plants., и . Autom., 27 (2): 293-305 (1991)Relevance Vector Machine Learning for Neonate Pain Intensity Assessment Using Digital Imaging., , и . IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 57 (6): 1457-1466 (2010)Optimal transport for vector Gaussian mixture models., , и . CoRR, (2020)