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Creating Environmental Awareness in Service Oriented Software Engineering., и . ICSOC Workshops, том 6568 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 181-186. (2010)The Green Practitioner: A Decision-Making Tool for Green ICT., , , и . EnviroInfo/ICT4S (1), стр. 74-81. Atlantis Press, (2015)Guidance on applying Green ICT in Higher Education and Research., и . EnviroInfo/ICT4S (2), стр. 225-226. University of Copenhagen, (2015)Energy Efficiency in Cloud Software Architectures., , и . EnviroInfo, стр. 291-299. Shaker, (2013)A Maturity Model for Green ICT: The Case of the SURF Green ICT Maturity Model., , , и . EnviroInfo, стр. 33-40. BIS-Verlag, (2014)SOA process decisions: new challenges in architectural knowledge modeling., и . SHARK, стр. 3-10. ACM, (2008)Exploring Communities of Practice for Product Family Engineering., , , , , , и . Wissensmanagement (LNCS Volume), том 3782 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 96-105. Springer, (2005)Sustainability in software engineering., , и . SustainIT, стр. 55-61. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Using Participatory Technical-action-research to Validate a Software Sustainability Model., , , , и . ICT4S, том 2382 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2019)"We are Always on, is That Really Necessary?" Exploring the Path to Digital Sufficiency in Flexible Work., и . ICT4S, стр. 24-34. IEEE, (2023)