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AN EXACT SOLUTION TO THE QUANTIZED ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD IN D-DIMENSIONAL DE SITTER SPACE-TIMES, , , и . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS A, (2012)A transfer matrix method for resonances in Randall-Sundrum models III: an analytical comparison, , , и . JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, (2013)A transfer matrix method for resonances in Randall-Sundrum models, , , и . JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, (2011)Construction of multiple spherical branes cosmological scenario, , , и . PHYSICAL REVIEW D, (2011)Antisymmetric tensor fields in codimension-two brane world, , , , и . EPL, (2011)Landau levels in graphene bilayer quantum dots, , , , и . PHYSICAL REVIEW B, (2009)Solutions to the problem of Elko spinor localization in brane models, , , и . PHYSICAL REVIEW D, (2015)QUANTUM KALBRAMOND FIELD IN D-DIMENSIONAL DE SITTER SPACE-TIMES, , , и . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS A, (2013)Pattern selection in a phase field model for directional solidification, , и . Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, (15.08.2005)Dependence of the black-body force on spacetime geometry and topology (vol 117, 60001, 2017), , , , и . EPL, (2017)