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Halo Reach "Deliver Hope".. SIGGRAPH Asia Computer Animation Festival, стр. 44:1. ACM, (2011)A Talent-infused Policy-gradient Approach to Efficient Co-Design of Morphology and Task Allocation Behavior of Multi-Robot Systems., , и . CoRR, (2024)Robust Optimal Selection of Radio Type and Transmission Power for Internet of Things., , , , , и . ACM Trans. Sens. Networks, 15 (4): 39:1-39:25 (2019)Bigraph Matching Weighted with Learnt Incentive Function for Multi-Robot Task Allocation., , и . ICRA, стр. 7250-7256. IEEE, (2024)Graph Learning-based Fleet Scheduling for Urban Air Mobility under Operational Constraints, Varying Demand & Uncertainties., , и . SAC, стр. 638-645. ACM, (2024)Adaptive radio and transmission power selection for Internet of Things., , , , , и . IWQoS, стр. 1-10. IEEE, (2017)Graph Learning Based Decision Support for Multi-Aircraft Take-Off and Landing at Urban Air Mobility Vertiports., , , , и . CoRR, (2023)Learning Scalable Policies over Graphs for Multi-Robot Task Allocation using Capsule Attention Networks., , и . ICRA, стр. 8815-8822. IEEE, (2022)Efficient Planning of Multi-Robot Collective Transport using Graph Reinforcement Learning with Higher Order Topological Abstraction., , , , , и . ICRA, стр. 5779-5785. IEEE, (2023)Bridgestone "Carma".. SIGGRAPH Asia Computer Animation Festival, стр. 34:1. ACM, (2011)