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The Variation Characteristics of Stratospheric Circulation under the Interdecadal Variability of Antarctic Total Column Ozone in Early Austral Spring., , , , , и . Remote. Sens., 16 (4): 619 (февраля 2024)Dynamic Assignment of Software-Defined Controllers in Vehicular Networks: An Evolutionary Game Approach., , , и . IWCMC, стр. 1383-1388. IEEE, (2023)Evaluation of Software Testing Adequacy based on AHP and BPNN., , , , и . QRS Companion, стр. 158-165. IEEE, (2022)Reg: An Ultra-Lightweight Container That Maximizes Memory Sharing and Minimizes the Runtime Environment., , , , , и . ICWS, стр. 76-82. IEEE, (2019)AULD: Large Scale Suspicious DNS Activities Detection via Unsupervised Learning in Advanced Persistent Threats., , , и . Sensors, 19 (14): 3180 (2019)Dynamic sensor collaboration via sequential Monte Carlo., и . IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., 22 (6): 1037-1047 (2004)Bayesian network loss inference., и . ICASSP (6), стр. 33-36. IEEE, (2003)Wavelet-based sequential Monte Carlo blind receivers in fading channels with unknown channel statistics., , и . IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 52 (1): 227-239 (2004)Mechanism of conduction block in amphibian myelinated axon induced by biphasic electrical current at ultra-high frequency., , , , и . J. Comput. Neurosci., 31 (3): 615-623 (2011)Dawn: Co-programming Distributed Applications with Network Control., , , , и . NAI@SIGCOMM, стр. 14-19. ACM, (2020)