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Decision tree methods: applications for classification and prediction, and . Shanghai archives of psychiatry, (April 2015)Perceptron-based tagging of query boundaries for Chinese query segmentation., , and . WWW (Companion Volume), page 257-258. ACM, (2014)An end-to-end model for Android malware detection., , and . ISI, page 140-142. IEEE, (2017)A 77dB SNDR 12.5MHz Bandwidth 0-1 MASH ∑Δ ADC Based on the Pipelined-SAR Structure., , , , and . VLSI Circuits, page 203-204. IEEE, (2018)Groupwise Bayesian dimension reduction., , , and . IJCNN, page 992-996. IEEE, (2017)Robust object tracking using color and depth images with a depth based occlusion handling and recovery., and . FSKD, page 930-935. IEEE, (2015)Exploring Discriminability of Categorical Anchors for Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation., and . MCSoC, page 537-543. IEEE, (2023)An Empirical Study on Development Set Selection Strategy for Machine Translation Learning., , , and . WMT@ACL, page 67-71. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2010)A Multiple VAEs-based Information Fusion Framework With Mutual-KL Loss for Intelligent Fault Diagnosis and Toward OoD Detection., , , and . ICPHM, page 188-197. IEEE, (2022)An Effective Deep Embedding Learning Method Based on Dense-Residual Networks for Speaker Verification., , , , and . ICASSP, page 6683-6687. IEEE, (2021)