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Stochastic transparency., , , and . SI3D, page 157-164. ACM, (2010)Computer Graphics for Jurassic Park.. COMPCON, page 456-457. IEEE Computer Society, (1994)A system for efficient rendering of human skin., , and . SIGGRAPH Sketches, page 24. ACM, (2007)Accumulative anti-aliasing., , , and . SIGGRAPH Talks, page 70:1. ACM, (2015)GPU-accelerated high-quality hidden surface removal., , , and . Graphics Hardware, page 7-14. Eurographics Association, (2005)Efficient Rendering of Human Skin., , and . Rendering Techniques, page 147-157. Eurographics Association, (2007)Real-time stochastic rasterization on conventional GPU architectures., , , and . High Performance Graphics, page 173-182. Eurographics Association, (2010)Colored stochastic shadow maps., and . SI3D, page 89-96. ACM, (2011)