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On consumer's surplus. Economics Letters, 10 (1-2): 35--42 (1982)Marshallian stability and long-run equilibrium in the theory of international trade with factor market distortions and variable returns to scale, and . Economics Letters, 33 (2): 101--108 (June 1990)An antinomy in the theory of comparative advantage, and . Journal of International Economics, 9 (2): 211--223 (May 1979)Analytical methods in economics. Harvester Wheatsheaf, New York u.a., (1994)On the concepts of returns to scale, and . Economics Letters, 23 (4): 329--334 (1987)Money, inflation, and optimal economic growth, and . Economics Letters, 1 (1): 55--58 (1978)Scale economies, perverse comparative statics results, the Marshallian stability and the long-run equilibrium for a small open economy, and . Economics Letters, 27 (3): 257--263 (1988)Lerner symmetry and trilateral relations in international monetary economics, and . Economics Letters, 5 (3): 265--269 (1980)The theory of tariffs in a monetary economy, and . Economics Letters, 1 (1): 65--69 (1978)Mathematical economics. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge u.a., 2. ed., repr. edition, (1990)