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PRISMA CASE., , , и . JISBD, стр. 399-400. Thomson Editorial, (2007)Replicación distribuida en arquitecturas software orientadas a aspectos utilizando ambientes., , , , и . JISBD, стр. 379-388. (2006)Expert Systems Development Through Software Product Lines Techniques., и . ISD, стр. 299-307. Springer, (2008)Model-Driven Development of Decision Support Systems: Tackling the Variability Problem., и . ISD, стр. 281-288. Springer, (2008)Algebraic Specification of a Model Transformation Engine., , и . FASE, том 3922 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 262-277. Springer, (2006)A Basic Language Oriented to Secondary School., , и . IFIP Congress (2), стр. 1423-1426. North-Holland, (1971)Integrating aspects in software architectures: PRISMA applied to robotic tele-operated systems., , , , , , и . Inf. Softw. Technol., 50 (9-10): 969-990 (2008)Towards Requirements Engineering of Active Database Systems., , и . WER, стр. 168-177. (1998)Comparing architecture description languages for mobile software systems., , и . SAM@ICSE, стр. 33-38. ACM, (2008)MORPHEUS: support from AO-Requirements to AO-Software Architecture., , и . JISBD, стр. 407-408. Thomson Editorial, (2007)