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Selective Knowledge Sharing for Personalized Federated Learning Under Capacity Heterogeneity., , , , и . CoRR, (2024)Effects of actuator and sensor bandwidths in intelligent cruise control of autonomous vehicles. Part I: stability., , и . Int. J. Control, 82 (6): 1167-1178 (2009)Effects of actuator and sensor bandwidths in intelligent cruise control of autonomous vehicles. Part II: performance., , и . Int. J. Control, 82 (7): 1229-1236 (2009)Efficient Active Learning with Boosting., , и . SDM, стр. 1232-1243. SIAM, (2009)ASIC synthesis using Architecture Description Language., , , и . VLSI-DAT, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2012)Architectural reliability estimation using design diversity., , и . ISQED, стр. 112-117. IEEE, (2015)Fast reliability exploration for embedded processors via high-level fault injection., , и . ISQED, стр. 265-272. IEEE, (2013)Quantum Secure Direct Communication Based on Dense Coding and Detecting Eavesdropping with Four-Particle Genuine Entangled State., , , , , и . Entropy, 17 (10): 6743-6752 (2015)Extending the capacity of ad hoc networks beyond network coding., , и . IWCMC, стр. 91-96. ACM, (2007)Enhanced Vector Perturbation Precoding Based on Adaptive Query Points., , , и . GLOBECOM, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2019)