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A Technique to Resolve Contradictory Answers.. New Directions in Question Answering, page 49-52. AAAI Press, (2003)Online question answering practices to support healthcare data re-use., , , , and . ASIST, volume 52 of Proc. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol., page 1-4. Wiley, (2015)A gap analysis of survivorship terminology: Knowledge resources versus literature usage., , , and . ASIST, volume 56 of Proc. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol., page 612-614. Wiley, (2019)Tracking Breast Cancer Survivorship over time using the Claim Framework.. AMIA, AMIA, (2019)Identifying Population Characteristics Tables in Full Text Articles., , and . AMIA, AMIA, (2015)Multiple categorization of search results., and . AMIA, AMIA, (2000)Automated Information Extraction and Analysis for Information Synthesis., , and . AMIA, AMIA, (2002)Information synthesis: a new approach to explore secondary information in scientific literature.. JCDL, page 56-64. ACM, (2005)The reliability of clinical judgments and criteria associated with mechanisms-based classifications of pain in patients with low back pain disorders: a preliminary reliability study., , , , and . The Journal of manual & manipulative therapy, 18 (2): 102--110 (June 2010)Comparing the Similarities and Differences between Two Translations., and . DH, page 174-176. Stanford University Library, (2011)