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Arbeit und Gemeinschaft bei computervermittelter Kommunikation, , и . Virtuelle Gruppen. Charakteristika und Problemdimensionen, Westdeutscher Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2. überarbeitete und aktualisierte издание, (2003)Social network analysis: An approach and technique for the study of information exchange. Library & Information Science Research, 18 (4): 323-342 (1996/0//)Computer Networks as Social Networks: Collaborative Work, Telework, and Virtual Community, , , , , и . American Journal of Sociology, (1996)The internet in everyday life. American Behavioral Scientist, 45 (3): 363-382 (2001)Linking Online Identities and Content in Connectivist MOOCs across Multiple Social Media Platforms., , , и . WWW (Companion Volume), стр. 483-488. ACM, (2016)Introduction to Social Media and Learning Minitrack., , , и . HICSS, стр. 1606. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Introduction to Social Networking and Communities Minitrack., и . HICSS, стр. 3251. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)The Generative Dance in Pursuit of Generative Knowledge., , , , и . HICSS, стр. 115. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Social Facilitators and Inhibitors to Online Fluency.. HICSS, стр. 67. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Exploring Multiplexity: Social Network Structures in a Computer-Supported Distance Learning Class.. Inf. Soc., 17 (3): 211-226 (2001)